Do you ever
feel like you can't keep up with the changes in technology?
Sometimes it seems that way with dietary advice, as if things
are always changing. While it's true that the fields of diet
and nutrition are areas of evolving research, there are some
basic concepts you can keep in mind. By knowing these basics,
you will be better equipped to sort through nutrition research
and dietary advice.
You may have grown up with the "Basic 4": dairy group, meat group,
grain group, and the fruits and vegetables group. As nutrition
science has changed, so have these food groups. This section helps
explains food groups and provides some healthy eating plans. |
Water is is involved in every function of the body. It's in every
cell, tissue and organ of the body. In this section you'll learn
why getting enough water everyday is important for your health.
Whether you're looking for information about monounsaturated fat,
polyunsaturated fat, saturated fat, trans fat, or cholesterol,
you'll find what you need here. |
You may be wondering what all the hype is about carbohydrates
or "carbs" as they are often called. Find out the facts. |
Then there's protein. How much do you really need? Can you get
too much? You'll find answers to these questions and more by visiting
this section. |
and Minerals
Vitamins and minerals are nutrients your body needs to grow and
develop normally. The NIH Vitamin and Mineral Supplement Fact
Sheets provide information about the role of vitamins and minerals
in health and disease. |
note: Some of these publications are available for download only as
*.pdf files. These files require Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to
be viewed. Please review the information on downloading and
using Acrobat Reader software.
Links to non-Federal organizations found at this site are provided
solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an
endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CDC or the
Federal Government, and none should be inferred. CDC is not responsible
for the content of the individual organization Web pages found at
these links.
Content Source: Division of Nutrition, Physical
Activity and Obesity, National
Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
- AllNutritionals.com - Includes information about
vitamins, minerals, herbs, bee products and antioxidants.
- Beef Nutrition - Nutrient data for the different
cuts of beef from The Canadian Beef Industry.
- Conjugated Linoleic Acids - Information from the
University of Wisconsin detailing research papers on this
subject. A PDF file of research summaries is available for
- Egg
Nutrition Center - Scientific information for nutritionists
and health care providers to learn about eggs and good nutrition.
Has list of research and scientific studies done an eggs
- The
fats for foods consultant - Help to define the best
fat for your own food application.
- Fish Oils - Summaries of the latest research on
the health benefits of the omega-3 contentof fish oils.
- Fish
Oils in Health and Disease - Collected articles describing
current scientific research relating to the benefits of
fish oil and fish consumption, including benefits of fish
oil for various conditions and diseases.
- Food
Additives and Ingredients Association - Includes information
on food additives and food ingredients such as enumbers,
emulsifiers, flavorings, colorings, functional foods, and
- Food
Factor - Featuring headline news articles with commentaries,
resources on food and health.
- Food Find - Nutritional values for common foods.
- Food Supplements - Information about effects of
vitamins and minerals in the body with reference listings
for individual nutrients.
- FoodGenius.com - Discover nutrient contents and
see if you're getting the RDA.
- Foods and Nutrition Solutions - Information on
food buying, preparation, preservation, safety, storage,
and nutritive analysis.
- International
Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorder
- A non-profit, non-government organization for the sustainable
elimination of iodine deficiency and the promotion of optimal
iodine nutrition worldwide.
- Life Research Universal- Health Department - Has
listing of foods with saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories.
Provides menus with fat and caloric content and nutritional
- Loders
Croklaan Lipid Nutrition - Supplies products resulting
from an intensive lipid research program dedicated to delivering
lipid ingredients with proven health benefits from natural
- Lutein
- The Vision Carotenoid - Simple and clear information
on role of lutein, a plant carotenoid deficient in most
western diets, in vision, especially the prevention of 'age-related
macular degeneration', as well as overall health, from the
'Lutein Information Bureau' in USA.
- Lycopene
- A comprehensive resource on lycopene and its health benefits
including current research, media releases, and recipes.
- McVitamins, Index - Index with extensive lists
of popular fad diets, health symptoms, nutrition, and food
- Meat
& Nutrients - Presents nutritional facts on red
meat. Offers tables, graphs and extensive information on
iron, vitamins, minerals, and fat.
- Mike's Calorie and Fat Gram Chart - Has calorie
and fat gram chart for 1000 foods sorted by carbohydrates,
cholesterol, protein, and fat listed alphabetically. Provides
health and fitness links.
- Natural Food: Fruit - Discusses how we came to
be eating the small range of fruits we now eat, and the
relative nutritional and protective strengths of commercially
available fruit.
- Natural Food: Grains Beans and Seeds - Covers
legumes and seeds and their role in the human diet through
human evolution. Focuses on the legume, grain, and seed
species worldwide, and is particularly relevant to the legume/grain
debate in reference to human biochemistry.
- Natural Food: Vegetables - A discussion of the
nutritional values of vegetables during human evolution
and today; including the importance of tubers, roots, corms,
rhizomes and bulbs during evolution. Extensive notes on
wild African, Asian, and European edible plants.
Nutrition Software - Free nutrition software for Linux
and DOS, which records and analyzes meals with the USDA
nutrient database.
- NutraSanus - Directory of information on nutritional
supplements, herbal supplements and health concerns.
- Nutrient Data Laboratory Food Composition Data
- Downloadable data sets prepared by the USDA Nutrient Data
Laboratory with nutrient values of foods.
- NutrientFacts.com - Offers online nutrition tools
that generate nutrition facts labels for any food or recipe.
Provides a nutrient almanac designed to aid in planning
a healthy, balanced diet.
- Nutrients in Soyabeans - A brief summary on the
nutritional composition of soyabeans.
- NutriSolutions - Information about antioxidants
as an alternative treatment for various types of cancer.
- Nutrition
Facts - Information about carbohydrates, fats, trans-fats,
sugars, proteins, and other nutritional information about
thousands of foods.
- Nutrition Guide - Information about nutrients
in vegetables, green grasses, seeds, whole grains, sprouts,
and legumes.
- The
Nutrition Guide - Comprehensive breakdown of all the
nutritional elements of more than 6000 foods.
- Nutrition in Canned Foods - Describes how canned
food fits into healthy eating guidelines with discussion
of nutrients, and comparison with fresh food.
- Nutritional analysis software - Developer of nutritional
analysis software. Includes WISP intake analyser, QBUILDER
questionnaire development tool, CARAT recipe analysis.
- Nutritional Supplements - Information about nutritional
supplements such as SAM-e, calcium pyruvate, bee propolis,
phosphatidylserine, casein, and chromium picolinate.
- Nutry: Free Nutrition Software - Free nutrition
software based on USDA nutrient database.
- Pecans, Nutritional Content. - Fat profile, studies
on the effect of pecans and other nuts on blood profiles.
From the National Pecan Shellers Association, USA
- Phytochemicals: Vitamins of the Future? - Describes
phytochemicals, identifies the foods in which they are found,
and suggest ways to obtain them from a diet.
- Phytofoods.com - Provides information on phytonutrients
and whole food supplements.
- Soy
Info Online - Information on soy, soy products, and
legumes. Nutrient charts for common legumes, discussion
of allergies, phytochemicals, and protective effects.
- Whey
Protein Institute - Advocates the use of whey proteins
in nutrition. Describes nutrition facts and functions complete
proteins have in diet.
content of the EDinformatics directory is based on the Open
Directory and is enhanced using EDinformatics own technology.
Modified by EDinformatics - ©2004 EDinformatics