What better way to prepare for your own state exam than to practice one or more tests from another state!
Most states in the US are currently developing and implementing K-12 tests which are designed to test student proficiency in their state frameworks and curriculum. In most states, promotion will be linked to performance on these test. To access your states curriculum use the Edinformatics curriculum page
FOR ALABAMA - NEW JERSEY --> click here
NEW YORK-- Test Releases now Common Core Practice Questions --- English, Social Studies, Math and Science for elementary, middle and high school, Recent New York State Regents Exams (June 1957 and forward) --all Subjects (pdf format). ( 3-8 sample questions)
NORTH CAROLINA End of grade sample tests in math and science.
NORTH DAKOTA- Standards Based Assessment -- Common Core Standards -- North Dakota is part of the Smarter Balanced Assessment.
OHIO Sample State Test items in all subjects, grades 4, 6, and 9. Released Test Items
OREGON Sample State Tests for Reading, Mathematics and Science Form C (2003-2006) . Grades 3,5,8,10)
PENNSYLVANIA . Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) PSSA Item Test Bank. Item and Scoring Samplers - released PSSA items with actual student reponses, scoring guidelines/rubrics for mathematics, science, writing and reading.
RHODE ISLAND- Office of Assessment and Accountability and Resource Materials and Released Items for NECAP - New England Common Assessment Program (PDF) for State Tests
SOUTH CAROLINA - The new program, known as the Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (PASS), will be aligned to the state academic standards and will include tests in writing, English language arts (reading and research), mathematics, science, and social studies for grades 3-8. Links to sample questions for english language arts (reading and research), mathematics, science, and social studies.
SOUTH DAKOTA- The Office of Assessment - will use the NAEP, Smarter Balanced Testing and the - (Dakota STEP for Science ) measures students' mastery of the South Dakota State Academic Standards.
TENNESSEE-- Tennessee transitions in 2015-2016 from the TCAP to the TNReady tests. -Sample latest information.
TEXAS EDinformatics SelectReleased TAKS, SDAAII Tests and End-of-Course Examinations. 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,2008, 2009. These are full test releases. Online Versions available. Released Test Items. Grades 3,4,5,6,7,8 Exit Level (All Subjects) Online 2003 TAKS Grades 3-11 now available.
UTAH- State Testing Resources for Utah. NAEP Data
VERMONT-- Vermont currently uses the NECAP program of testing.
VIRGINIA EDinformatics Select Virginia Standards of Learning Assessments Grade Three Grade Five Grade Eight End-of-Course English, Math, Science, History (Sample items.)Grade Three Grade Five Grade Eight End-of-Course English, Math, Science, History-- full released tests including 2008, 2009. From Jefferson Labs --interactive online tests in math, science and technology.
WASHINGTON STATE --Washington uses the grades 3-8 Measurements of Student Progress (MSP) and the High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE) to test its students. The HSPE is used as the state’s high school exit exam. In spring 2011, the state will begin using end-of-course exams in math. For more information and sample test material (Reading, Mathematics and Science) see State Assessment Updates for 2011. --- Sample Tests -- Released Items
WEST VIRGINIA- Sample WESTEST items from the site for public viewing
WISCONSIN- Wisconsin Knowledge Concepts Examinations (WKCE) At Grades 3-8, and 10. Sample Questions. Reading, Math,
WYOMING- Proficiency Assessments for Wyoming Students (PAWS) is the assessment system developed by the Wyoming Department of Education in cooperation with Harcourt Assessment, PAWS release test items are now available in Reading, Writing and Math. Wyoming Schools also parcipate in NAEP and TIMSS Testing.