- Asgard
Financial Services - Provides advice for those with student loans in default.
- Canadian Scholarship
Trust Plan (559) - A registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) organization,
discussing services, plans and offering calculators and contact details.
- Capital
Publications - Sells books and software searching sources of scholarships.
- College Connection - Provides students with scholarship
information for a fee.
- College Financial Aid Guidebook - Scholarships,
grants, complete college preparation and financial aid Guidebook! Describes procedures
to help prepare for college.
- CollegeFunds.net - Mainly a pay service, but posts
several free scholarships periodically.
- Complete College Solutions - Offers services that
develop tax, financial and academic strategies that aid in the financial aid process.
- EasyAid.com - Helps students with the college
financial aid process, and also offers FAFSA services.
- Fafsa.com
- Provides a fee-based service for college students seeking assistance in the
financial aid process.
- Financial Aid Supersite - For a fee, will aid
with college planning.
- Gaer
Financial Group - Specializing in providing in-depth, up to date information
about college financing sources.
- Go
to College Free, Ltd. - Fee service that provides information on college grants
and scholarships.
- 401kid.com:
College Savings Center - Information on 529 plans, financial aid, scholarships
and college financial planning.
- Life Guides Inc. - Fee service providing individualized
guides to financial aid.
- Fee services that assist with financial aid, grants, school loans, and scholarships.
- MeritMoney.com - Students with a 3.0 GPA or higher
can find out which colleges have free money for them, based on their academic
- Money4college123.com - Instructions and strategies
to complete FAFSA and negotiate financial aid packages to maximize scholarships
and grants.
- MyScholarshipGuide.com - Offers an downloadable
guide to applying for scholarship programs.
- Scholarship Experts - A fee based scholarship
search service with customized results. Includes helpful articles about researching
and applying for college funding.
- Scholarship Information at Your Fingertips - Offers
private sources: offers online submit form, with letters written and addressed.
- 4Scholarship.com - Provides students and parents
with information on scholarships and financial aid for a fee.
- ScholarshipPlus.com - Makes custom databases of
scholarships available to schools for a fee.
- Student Grants and Scholarship Services - Fee
based scholarship and grant search service.
Consulting - Service for hire that helps families fill out financial aid forms.
- Worldwide Study Link Consulting Services - Offers
services for helping international students find money to attend college is the