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- AAFM American Academy of Financial Management
- Provides portfolio reviews and pre-qualifications for certifications.
- AIMR: CFA Program - An international organization
offering CFA exam preparation through workshops, seminars, study guides and program
- Allen
Resources - Offers CFA exam seminars, software, written study guides, audio
tapes, video tapes, flash cards and books.
- American
Institute of Advanced Finance - Offers CFA exam review programs for Level
I, II, and III, study manuals, and an interactive Level I CD-ROM.
Two - Study materials for the CFA exam.
- Canadian Academics - Brian Y. Gordon, CFA, MBA,
FCSI provides online help for CFA exam candidates, CSC exam candidates and other
financial services exams.
- CertTimes
Financial Edition - A free online community for candidates preparing for financial
exams like CFA, CPA, and Series. Online assessment exams, exam guides, crossword
puzzles, financial glossary, and forums.
- CFACenter
- Leading online community with free resources for level 1 CFA exam.
- CFA Level 1 exam simulations with free sample test download.
- Financial
Analyst Quizzer - Sells a CD-ROM study aid to prepare for the CFA Exam Level
- Financial Prep - Sells an interactive CD-ROM study
aid for the AIMR CFA Level 1, 2 or 3 exam.
CFA Exam Reviews - Provides exam review materials and courses for the CFA
exam prepared by Charterholders.
PRO for CFA exam - Review program for Chartered Financial Analyst exam with
notes, questions, discussions, discussion groups, and real-time performance feedback.
- R.
G. Quintero & Co. CFA Programs - New York-based provider of public and
in-house CFA review programs. Creater of Q-Notes for CFA Candidates. Public programs
in New York, Stamford, CT, and London.
- Schweser
Study Program - Exam preparation for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
examination and the Financial Risk Manager (FRM) exam.
- Stalla
Seminars - Offers study products and services for the CFA exam.
- Sample
CFA Questions -- CFA Exam Question of the Day for practice -- Level I, Level
II, Level III questions are available.
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