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___ Table of Contents____________________________
 • Introductory Comments
 •What is Molecular Modeling? Part 1 - Introduction to molecular modeling and simple software, Part 2 contains Flash animation of a molecular dynamics simulation of a fatty acid protein.
 • Why is Molecular Modeling Important? Designing drugs for the future, designing new materials, view a bukeytube in 3-D,
 •What do Some Common Molecules Look Like? View in 3-D: water, methane, benzene, aspirin, DNA...
 •Where's the Math? Part1: Geometry, symmetry; Part 2: Mathematical Relationships; Part 3: Overview of MathMol Tutorials...
 •Carbon 3 Ways View in 3-D graphite, diamond, buckyball, buckytube...
 • Carbon Compounds Simple carbon compounds, wireframe, stick, ball and stick, space filled models...
 •Water and Ice Properties of water and ice, Flash animations of water in motion; View water and ice in 3-D.
 •Water and Ice pt.II Water molecules in motion, symmetry of water molecules...
 • How to View Molecular Structures in Class or at Home Selection of free software that can be used at home or in class
 •MathMol Library of Structures. Water and Ice, Carbon, Hydrocarbons, Molecules of Life, Drugs
 •Tutorial 1: 1-Dimension, 2-Dimensions, 3-Dimensions... :   Introduction to use of Java Mage... what is the difference between 1,2, and 3 dimensions....
 •Tutorial 2: The Geometry of 2 Dimensions: Review of polygons using Java Mage...
 •Tutorial 3: The Geometry of 3- Dimensions:   Using Java Mage to introduce 3-Dimensional Geometry x-y-z axis, coordinates. 
  •Tutorial 4: The Geometry of Molecules. Part 1: Water and Methane, Part 2: Benzene,Part 3: Fullerenes
 •Tutorial 5: K-12 Molecular Modeling using Chime Software Part 1 :(Hydrocarbons), Part 2: Crystal Structures, Part 3 -Activity Sheet.
 •Appendix1: Scientific Notation Learn to convert standard notation to scientific notation and vica-versa...
 • Appendix 2: Mass Measure the mass of an unknown using a triple-beam balance...
 • Appendix3: Volume Measure the volume of an unkown using geometric liquid displacement methods...
 • Appendix4: Density Find the density of an unknown mass from it's mass and volume...
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