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Parent's Guide

How do I find information about my child's school?

Public schools and Districts
Find the correct name, address, telephone number, NCES ID number, and other student and teacher information for public schools or school districts for school year 1997-98 as reported to NCES by state education officials in each state.

Public School Universe Survey Data
provide a complete listing of all public elementary and secondary schools in the country, and basic information and descriptive statistics on schools, their students, and their teachers.

Find your school --easy locator
Designed for kids but this is a quick and easy info tool for parents and teachers.

The NCES (National Center for Educational Statistics) Kids Home Page. Education information about schools and activities for students everywhere.

How do I find my child's curriculum?
The curriculum of all schools in the US follow their respective State Curriculum Guides.

Choose your State

Alabama -- Alaska -- Arizona -- Arkansas -- California --Colorado --
Connecticut --Delaware -- Florida -- Georgia -- Hawaii --Idaho --
Illinois --Indiana -- Iowa -- Kansas -- Kentucky -- Louisiana --
--Maryland -- Massachusetts --Michigan -- Minnesota --
Mississippi -- Missouri --Montana -- Nebraska -- Nevada --
New Hampshire
-- New Jersey -- New Mexico --New York -
-North Carolina --North Dakota -- Ohio -- Oklahoma -- Oregon -
- Pennsylvania -- Rhode Island --South Carolina --South Dakota --
-- Texas -- Utah -- Vermont -- Virginia -- Washington -
- West Virginia -- Wisconsin -- Wyoming


If you live in a major city a more specific guide should be accessible.

What are the new reform programs?


UCSMP Everyday Mathematics
Connected Math

And don't throw out the old:

Saxon Math

Elementary School

Full Option Science System (FOSS) Lawrence Hall of Science University of California -- For k-8 students.
Science Curriculum Improvement Study (SCIS) Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California
-- Note: (SCIS 3+ is a revision of the work of the Science Curriculum Improvement Study, which was developed at the Physics Department and the Lawrence Hall of Science of the University of California t Berkeley with the support of the National Science Foundation. Development of SCIS 3 + was supported and copyrighted by Delta Education.--
Science for Life and Living BSCS Colorado Springs, CO.
Science and Technology for Children (STC) National Science Resources Center, Smithsonian Institution

Middle School Science Programs

Foundations and Challenges to Encourage
Technology- Based Science (FACETS)
American Chemical Society Washington, DC --FACETS (Foundations And Challenges to Encourage Technology-based Science) is a middle school integrated science program, developed by the Education and International Activities Division of the American Chemical Society, with funding from the National Science Foundation.
Introductory Physical Science (IPS)6th Ed. Science Curriculum, Inc. Belmont, MA Delta Education
Delta science modules
Science Education for Public Understanding Project (SEPUP) Lawrence Hall of Science University of California Addison Wesley Publishing

High School Programs
PSSC Physics: Kendall Publishing
A Human Approach BSCS Colorado Springs, CO
ChemCom American Chemical Society Washington, DC Kendall/Hunt Publishing


For More information on reform see the: EDinformatics Education Reform Page

How will the new standards affect my child?

Center for Educational Reform

How Can I Prepare My Child for State Exams?

Most State Education Pages are providing the public with either sample tests or released questions from previous exams.

EDinformatics State Testing Page
Find out which states are providing the public with online sample tests and released questions from previous exams.

EDinformatics Full Math Test Releases
As more states release full past exams instead of sample sheets we will post them.

EDinformatics TIMSS Math and Science Page
In addition to practicing State Exams we also suggest sampling Tests provided by the Third International Math and Science Study. This is the famous series of international exams where the US scored 13th in the world.

EDinformatics State Math Page New
This page is designed to provide parents to easy access to state mathematics exams as they become available to the public.

EDinformatics State English/Reading Page New
This page is designed to provide parents to easy access to state English exams as they become available to the public.

How do I find my school's report card?

Many states provide report cards on their schools. Go to the respective state homepage and search using the keywords report cards...

Does my school have a home page?

For one of the most complete listing of schools on the Internet:
Educational CyberPlayground


Other Parent's Sites

National Parents Information Center, ERIC
Parents News (NPIN)
National School Boards Association
Center for Education Reform
Mathematically Correct
National Education Association

National Parents Information Center, ERIC The mission of NPIN is to provide access to research-based information about the process of parenting, and about family involvement in education.



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