Precursor Protein (APP)
beta (A4) precursor protein (peptidase nexin-II, Alzheimer
rendering based on 1aap
precursor protein (APP) is an integral membrane protein expressed
in many tissues and concentrated in the synapses of neurons.
Its primary function is not known, though it has been implicated
as a regulator of synapse formation[2] and neural plasticity.[3]
APP is best known and most commonly studied as the precursor
molecule whose proteolysis generates amyloid beta (Aß), a 39-
to 42-amino acid peptide whose amyloid fibrillar form is the
primary component of amyloid plaques found in the brains of
Alzheimer's disease patients.
humans, the gene for APP is located on chromosome 21 and contains
at least 18 exons in 240 kilobases.[4][5] Several alternative
splicing isoforms of APP have been observed in humans, ranging
in length from 365 to 770 amino acids, with certain isoforms
preferentially expressed in neurons; changes in the neuronal
ratio of these isoforms have been associated with Alzheimer's
disease.[6] Homologous proteins have been identified in other
organisms such as Drosophila (fruit flies), C. elegans (roundworms),
and all mammals.[7] The amyloid beta region of the protein,
located in the membrane-spanning domain, is not well conserved
across species and has no obvious connection with APP's native-state
biological functions.[7]
in critical regions of Amyloid Precursor Protein, including
the region that generates amyloid beta, are known to cause familial
susceptibility to Alzheimer's disease.[8][9][10] For example,
several mutations outside the Aß region associated with familial
Alzheimer's have been found to dramatically increase production
of Aß.[11]
number of distinct, largely independently-folding structural
domains have been identified in the APP sequence. The extracellular
region, much larger than the intracellular region, is divided
into the E1 and E2 domains; E1 contains several subdomains including
a growth factor-like domain (GFLD), a metal-binding motif, and
a serine protease inhibitor domain that is absent from the isoform
differentially expressed in the brain.[12] The E2 domain contains
a coiled coil dimerization motif and may bind proteoglycans
in the extracellular matrix.[1]
extracellular E2 domain, a dimeric coiled coil and one of
the most highly-conserved regions of the protein from Drosophila
to humans. This domain, which resembles the structure of
spectrin, is thought to bind heparan sulfate proteoglycans.[1] |
complete crystal structure of APP has not yet been solved; however,
individual domains have been successfully crystallized, including
the copper-binding as well as a zinc-binding domain in multiple
configurations and ion-binding states[13] and the E2 dimerization
metal-binding domain of APP with a bound copper ion. The
side chains of the two histidine and one tyrosine residues
that play a role in metal coordination are shown in the
Cu(I) bound, Cu(II) bound, and unbound conformations, which
differ by only small changes in orientation. |
undergoes extensive post-translational modification including
glycosylation, phosphorylation, and tyrosine sulfation, as well
as many types of proteolytic processing to generate peptide
fragments.[14] It is commonly cleaved by proteases in the secretase
family; alpha secretase and beta secretase both remove nearly
the entire extracellular domain to release membrane-anchored
carboxy-terminal fragments that may be associated with apoptosis.[7]
Cleavage by gamma secretase within the membrane-spanning domain
generates the amyloid-beta fragment; gamma secretase is a large
multi-subunit complex whose components have not yet been fully
characterized, but include presenilin, whose gene has been identified
as a major genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's.[15] The amyloidogenic
processing of APP has been linked to its presence in lipid rafts.
When APP molecules occupy a lipid raft region of membrane, they
are more accessible to and differentially cleaved by beta secretase,
whereas APP molecules outside a raft are differentially cleaved
by the non-amyloidogenic alpha secretase.[16] Gamma secretase
activity has also been associated with lipid rafts.[17] The
role of cholesterol in lipid raft maintenance has been cited
as a likely explanation for observations that high cholesterol
and apolipoprotein E genotype are major risk factors for Alzheimer's
the native biological role of APP is of obvious interest to
Alzheimer's research, thorough understanding has remained elusive.
The most-substantiated role for APP is in synaptic formation
and repair;[2] its expression is upregulated during neuronal
differentiation and after neural injury. Roles in cell signaling,
long-term potentiation, and cell adhesion have been proposed
and supported by as-yet limited research.[7] In particular,
similarities in post-translational processing have invited comparisons
to the signaling role of the surface receptor protein Notch.[19]
APP knockout mice are viable and have relatively minor phenotypic
effects including impaired long-term potentiation and memory
loss without general neuron loss.[20] On the other hand, transgenic
mice with upregulated APP expression have also been reported
to show impaired long-term potentiation.[21] The logical inference
is that because Aß accumulates excessively in Alzheimer's disease
its precursor, APP, would be elevated as well. However, neuronal
cell bodies contain less APP as a function of their proximity
to amyloid plaques.[22] The data indicate that this deficit
in APP results from a decline in production rather than an increase
in catalysis. Loss of a neuron's APP may effect physiological
deficits that contribute to dementia.
precursor protein has been shown to interact with
Collagen, type
XXV, alpha 1,[32]
and SHC1.[42]
One groups
of scientists reports that APP interacts with reelin, a protein implicated in
a number of brain disorders, including Alzheimer's disease.[43]
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Study paper, a review at Alzheimer's Research Forum, and a news
report: Hoe HS, Lee KJ, Carney RS, Lee J, Markova A, Lee JY,
Howell BW, Hyman BT, Pak DT, Bu G, Rebeck GW (June 2009). "Interaction
of reelin with amyloid precursor protein promotes neurite outgrowth".
J. Neurosci. 29 (23): 7459–73. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4872-08.2009.
PMID 19515914.
"Another Take on APP and Neurite Outgrowth—The Role of Reelin
(Tom Fagan, 19 June 2009)".
Retrieved 2009-06-24. "Protein linked to Alzheimer's disease
doesn't act alone (".
Retrieved 2009-06-16.