these Java Mage Applets |
and PREKIN are software packages used by scientists to assist
them in understanding molecular structure and function. PREKIN
allows the user, starting with a set of Cartesian coordinates, to create a database
that can then be displayed as an image using MAGE. The images
(referred to as Kinemages) can be manipulated in 3 Dimensions. In addition, it
is possible to perform distance and angle measurements on the objects as well
as draw new lines that can be incorporated into the image. These capabilities
make MAGE and PREKIN an excellent tool for use
in K-12 mathematics and science. We
have used PREKIN and MAGE to create five introductory
databases that contain images found in the K-12 mathematics and science curricula.
The kinemage files created all run on JavaMage an applet that runs on any computer
that is Java enabled. The kinemage files are in the process of being converted
to run on JavaMage. We hope to have all of them installed soon. Note
to Teachers: Although it is possible to alter the *.kin file to create
your own kinemage (this may be too timely, although interesting). It is suggested
that teacher's simply re-edit the *txt.htm files to suite your target population.
Questions can be made easier, or more difficult. If you have questions, please
send comments to webmaster@edinformatics.com. Under Subject: --use keyword --
Java Mage. |
II: The Geometry of 2-Dimensions.
Exercises in 2-Dimensional modeling of geometric figures. Student will be
able to measure distances and perform simple calculations. The tutorial also extends
on the Draw capabilities of MAGE. |
III: The
Geometry of 3-Dimensions. 3-D technology is rapidly
expanding (even the entertainment industry is experimenting with its use). Surprisingly,
little solid geometry is in the K-12 mathematics curriculum. This tutorial introduces
students to the geometry of 3 Dimensions. |
IV: The
Geometry of Molecules This tutorial introduces the student to several
types of molecules covered in a Middle School Physical Science curriculum (e.g.,
water, methane, benzene, amino acids). It is in this tutorial that students will
begin to see the connections between mathematics and molecules.
V: The Motion of Molecules Most students are so used to seeing molecules
in books they think of them as both flat and static. To create these databases
Molecular Dynamic Simulations were performed. The simulation allowed us to save
as snapshots images over a period of 10 picoseconds. Using the animate capabilities
of Kinemage students will be able to observe the motion of molecules over time.
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